5 Easy Ways to Switch to a More Sustainable Lifestyle, Under $20 each!

Living a more sustainable lifestyle can seem daunting; do small daily choices really make a difference? Why is it so expensive to buy “eco-friendly living” products? Is zero waste even possible?

These are all questions I’ve asked myself. I’ve been overwhelmed by the prices of eco-friendly products, the amount of choices, and the long-term commitment that appears to actually make a difference. Then I realized, if I can make small and consistent eco-friendly choices, they really can add up over time (if you haven’t read Atomic Habits by James Clear, check it out for more on that theory).

In this blog post, I’m sharing 5 easy ways to make the switch to a more sustainable lifestyle everyday - and all under $20! I’ll share…

  • A simple laundry hack that cuts back on waste

  • An easy switch-up to your beauty routine

  • The quick swap to your morning coffee routine

  • Literally the most versatile storage to replace ziploc bags and single-use plastics

  • The kitchen sink soap swap that looks amazing too!

If you’re interested in how to make small and easy daily choices to take better care of this planet, you’re in the right place! A small investment for sustainable changes!

#1 - A Simple Laundry Hack that Cuts Back on Waste

If you’re anything like me, I LOVE things that smell amazing - especially my clothes, towels, blankets, etc. Dryer sheets are my go-to for basically every load in the dryer, cutting down on static and making things super fresh smelling (if I’m using them wrong, that’s fine LOL). But other than that, they’re pretty useless, right? 240 sheets of little scented synthetic polyester later and they’re in a landfill, unable to decompose since they’re designed to get wet too. There’s plenty of other reasons why I’d switch to something else, but that simple one is enough to motivate me!

Check these out - Cleancult wool dryer balls. You use them over and over again (one set up to 1,000 loads), they’re naturally fragrance free but you can add essential oils to make them - and your clothes - smell amazing. Even better? They’re 100% pure New Zealand wool and ethically sourced.

What about when you’re done with them? They make great dog or cat toys, a ball for the kiddos, a fun craft or even a holiday ornament! Get creative!

#2 - An Easy Switch-Up to Your Beauty Routine

I’ve used tons of cotton balls, rounds, single-use wipes, or whatever you want to call what takes my make-up or nail polish off, applies toner, or generally helps clean stuff up! I felt pretty wasteful, going through bag after bag - and to make things worse, they come wrapped in plastic bags.

BUT I FOUND THESE >> I LOVE these 100% bamboo cotton rounds - completely natural. You can use them year after year, just toss them in the wash in their cute little laundry bag (100% biodegradable) and they’re just like new.

When you’re finally ready to throw them away (I’ve had mine for years and haven’t worn them out) you can just toss them in the compost bin since they’re 100% biodegradable too!

I haven’t needed to buy new ones in years, and simply cut down my waste with just this one decision! Did I mention how incredibly soft they are too? Not like those stingy make-up remover wipes. Let me know what you think or if you have even better alternatives!

#3 - The Quick Swap to Your Morning Coffee Routine

Coffee and tea make me happy. I love getting a cup of coffee from my favorite shop (not Starbucks, but let’s be real, I still go there sometimes) or brewing a cup of tea to-go. However, I go through those paper or plastic cups and straws over and over again. My recycle bin at home was getting packed full of single-use cups, lids, and straws. Good news though, it’s an easy fix!

Reusable cups aren’t new by any means, but they’re hard to lug around and remember to bring with - even with incentives to BYO-mug!

That’s why I really love this collapsible hot/cold tumbler by STOJO! It collapses and fits in a purse, backpack, your car door pocket thing, and glove box - so many convenient places! It’s also dishwasher safe -um thank you STOJO! Also, it’s pretty much unbreakable. WOW.

#4 - Literally the most versatile storage to replace ziploc bags and single-use plastics

I grew up with sandwiches in ziploc bags. and pretzels. and probably glitter and stickers for crafts (separate from the sandwich of course). I used ziplocs for everything, so the idea of switching away from them didn’t seem possible.

I was wrong. I got hooked on these self-sealing stasher bags, made from platinum silicone which doesn’t degrade over time - that may seem like a red flag, but that means you can use these over and over again without the silicone wearing down and getting into any edible item. You’re literally saving hundreds and hundreds of single-use plastics from being used. Oh, and they’re completely free of BPA, BPS, lead, latex, and phthalates.

What’s even crazier? They can be used in the microwave, oven, dishwasher, sous-vide, and freezer. I didn’t have any aluminum foil for an oven-baked dish, so I popped it into a stasher bag and it did AMAZING. They’re available in versions that stand up on their own (flat bottom, great for organization), tiny ones for your pocket, half-gallon, quart, sandwich - the list goes on.

Our family hasn’t used any plastic baggies in over 2 years. It’s totally possible and I know you can do it!!

#5 - The kitchen sink soap swap that looks amazing too!

Remember my whole thing about how I love things that smell good? Hand soaps, candles, incense, room spray and so on - I’m hooked. I’m embarrassed to say I would spend close to $20-30 on hand soaps per season (hello, um what?). Those Bath & Body works hand soaps really do smell wonderful, but it’s just more single use plastics that I would toss and swap out for the next scent. UGH.

The best solution? I’ve got two beautiful glass soap jars with stainless steel pumps. Goodbye single-use plastic soap containers and hello sophisticated, clean, crisp dish and hand soap dispensers. Refillable with any type of soap you’d want! They look good, and honestly you could re-use the jars for whatever. Two gorgeous bottles under $20 - saving me tons over the long run!

There you have it! 5 Easy Ways to Switch to a More Sustainable Lifestyle, All Under $20 each!

I believe you can do it - these simple daily decisions take a one-time investment up front for years and years of saving! Not to mention, you’re reducing your single-use plastic and energy consumption to help out this gorgeous planet of ours.

Pick order the items mentioned above here:
Cleancult Wool Dryer Balls
Bamboo Cotton Rounds
Stojo Cups
Stasher Bags
Glass Soap Bottles